Our Digital Marketing Executive, Husain Kadodia, was out on the road last week with our Business Development Manager for the North, David Harrison, on some site visits and product demonstrations. Read below as he peeks behind the curtain into the sales life at Astor Bannerman, and his reactions from his visits.

“Last week I had the opportunity to join the sales team on the road again, and this time we were off on a product demonstration in a very cold Carnforth. I was specifically looking forward to being part of a live product demonstration, as I wanted to see first-hand the differences our products can provide for families and end users, as well as understanding in more detail how the different features of each bath can support the different needs of our end users. I was out again with David, who has been at Astor Bannerman for 15 years. As much as it was great to witness his knowledge about the products, their specifications, and optional extras, it was much more pleasing to see how David interacted with the OT, the family and the end-user. Treating them with respect, kindness, offering his support and knowledge, and aiming to provide the end-user with the most appropriate and suitable bath. Again, it wasn’t just about specifying an assisted bath, it was about providing the best possible service to the family and end-user.

One thing I won’t forget from the visit, is the desire the parents of the end-user have for some form of normality for their child. As well as the Mum and Dad, an OT, David and myself, we were joined by the end-user’s little sister, who must’ve been no more than 3 years old. The little one was enjoying playing with our grip strip bolsters, but more importantly loved sitting in the bath with her older sister. The Kiva bath which we demonstrated was more of a swimming pool for the younger sibling, where she pretended she was splashing around with her sister, engaging with the LED lights and the music playing from the bath. The Dad commented “This is what it’s all about. She can bathe with her little sister now. She’s having some form of normality back because of this”. It was at that point I was reminded why Astor Bannerman are so great at what they do. It’s not about selling the most expensive bath, a bath that might fit in the room nicely, or a bath that looks more visually appealing than another. It’s about making even the little things like bath time, easier and enjoyable for the end user and the family, especially to the little girl or boy out there who can’t wait to join their sibling for bath time!”

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