Bertie’s Bath

Bertie’s Bath

Bertie is a 3 year old boy living with Batten Disease – a very rare and neurological degenerative condition causing seizures, total lack of mobility, blindness and childhood dementia. This means that Bertie needs full support with day to day tasks, such as...
Pendle Support

Pendle Support

Pendle Support & Care Services in Lancashire provide support to children and adults with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and mental health issues. An existing bathroom was converted to an accessible Changing Places toilet facility as part of the...
Rochdale Riverside One

Rochdale Riverside One

Benefitting from unprecedented levels of investment in recent years, Rochdale town centre is currently undergoing a £250 million improvement programme Astor-Bannerman are pleased to be committed to assisting with their accessible Changing Places developments as part...
Kent Rio Astor

Kent Rio Astor

One family who have seen the benefits of an Astor-Bannerman accessible bathroom is the Page family from Broadstairs in Kent. Four-year old Archie was born with quadriplegic cerebral palsy, meaning he needs 24-hour care and support. The Astor-Bannerman team assisted...
Bury Hoist and Rio Asto

Bury Hoist and Rio Asto

Josh is too big to lift by mum and without extra equipment, caring for him became extremely difficult which is why Astor-Bannerman were called to help improve day to day care in the upstairs bathroom and downstairs living area. As part of this home adaptation,...
Bradgate Park Changing Places

Bradgate Park Changing Places

Introducing an accessible Changing Places toilet means Bradgate Country Park in Leicestershire now offer full changing, hoisting and toileting facilities for disabled visitors and their families. The great outdoors can now be enjoyed be everyone, regardless of...

New Lancashire Changing Places Toilet

Established in 2005, Pendle Support & Care Services is a specialised domiciliary care agency that has been supporting children and adults with learning disabilities for nearly 12 years in East Lancashire and Pendle and are contracted with Lancashire County Council...

Benefits of Accessible Bathroom

CREATING AN ACCESSIBLE BATHROOM By creating a more accessible bathroom it is possible to help to retain an individual’s dignity, increase independence, and alleviate a certain level of stress and strain from the carers involved and help to create a happier home. One...

Lancashire Home & Bathroom Adaptation

Astor-Bannerman have helped to increase access within the lounge and bathroom areas for a busy family home in Bury, Lancashire. Many disabled people and their families need to make changes to their homes such as widening doors and incorporating additional equipment in...

Leicestershire Tourist Attraction Addresses Accessibility

  Astor-Bannerman introduce accessible Changing Places to the great outdoors at a top class Leicestershire country park tourist attraction With around 830 acres of stunning countryside, Bradgate Country Park takes accessibility very seriously.  Although the views are...

Astor-Bannerman Make Changing Places History

Astor-Bannerman help to make history with Aveso by assisting with the first accessible Changing Places in a Tesco Supermarket Following the success of Asda in Sheffield, Tesco Extra in Stourbridge have recognised the need for life changing fully accessible Changing...

Hi-Tech Hospital Changing Places

Astor-Bannerman have created a modern hi tech Changing Places facility to make Hospitals more accessible for all which will stand the test of time. With many Changing Places users often visiting hospitals for consultationsand treatment across the country, it’s...
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