Euans_Guide_Logo.jpgEuan’s Guide is a website which features disabled access reviews from disabled people and their friends and families which aims to remove the ‘fear of the unknown’ and the team are working closely with Astor-Bannerman as co-sponsor of the Changing Places Campaign (Aveso Ltd).

Despite being in a wheelchair due to Motor Neurone Disease (MND) founder of Euan’s Guide, Euan MacDonald still wants to go to bars and restaurants etc and says,

“The aim of Euan’s Guide is to empower disabled people by providing information that will give confidence and choices for getting out and about.  Euan’s Guide is an alternative to hours of web searching and phone calls and, most importantly, removes the ‘fear of the unknown’ when visiting a venue for the first time.”


With Euan’s Guide you can search and get ideas and inspiration for new accessible places to visit and once you’ve been, you can give your feedback and rate them on the following,

  • Transport & Parking
  • Access
  • Toilets
  • Staff

As well as tourism and entertainment venues, Euan’s Guide feature disabled access reviews of any place visited as part of everyday life such as supermarkets, restaurants, railway stations and many more places.  You can also upload photos which may help fellow future visitors!

Euan says “A generic disabled access badge doesn’t always tell the whole story”


As supporters of Changing Places and friends of ours, Euan’s Guide will be attending the Changing Places Conference 2015 on 21st February and announcing the winner of ‘The People’s Choice Changing Places Award 2014’ to the Changing Places which has been voted as the public’s favourite.

If you would like to review a place you’ve been to recently visit

With your reviews, the Euan’s Guide website makes it easier to enjoy the things many people may take for granted by helping people know truly accessible venues.


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