Established in 2005, Pendle Support & Care Services is a specialised domiciliary care agency that has been supporting children and adults with learning disabilities for nearly 12 years in East Lancashire and Pendle and are contracted with Lancashire County Council and are registered with the Care Quality Commission.  The team provide over 900 hours per week of support to over 90 people and their families throughout East Lancashire.

Pendle Support specialise in providing support for people with Learning Disabilities who may have associated Physical Disabilities and Mental Health issues as well as provide support for children and the elderly who may have specialist needs.  These people are at the heart of how they deliver their service and Pendle Support help to maintain independence, which in turn allows people to have choices about how they live their lives.


This week we are proud to unveil the brand new Changing Places toilet facility which was project managed and installed by Astor-Bannerman, which marks the 880th facility in the UK and has been in development for the last few months.

Pendle Support Business Manager, John McBeth told Astor-Bannerman “We knew for some time that there was a need for a changing place facility in our area and have worked hard over the last year or so to make it happen.”


Astor-Bannerman worked very closely with the team at Pendle Support and following an initial site survey, completed all the building work as well as installation and commissioning of the specialist equipment.  The new Changing Places facility features a wall mounted adult changing tableXY ceiling track hoist for full room coverage and also benefits from the Astor-Bannerman height adjustable wash basin with integrated mirror as well as a DocM toilet and shower systems.  Space was tight for this project so walls were moved as much as possible and wall / ceiling mounted equipment installed in order to maximise the space, still allowing space for a large wheelchair and care givers.


John continued, “We are proud to say that our brand new Changing Places facility will now help many local people to maintain their independence and dignity. It really is the jewel in our crown.

Having a state of the art bathroom that will meet the needs of people we support is something we never dreamed of! This much needed facility will help the lives of so many people in our local area and we are proud to say that we have one in our building. We are officially a Changing Place!”

The team at Pendle Support are extremely proud of their new facility which will be open to anyone who needs it, and very soon Olympic gold medallist Steven Burke and Paralympic double silver medallist Tom Hamer will be officially opening the new Changing Places facility and the Pendle Support building, so watch this space and follow them on Twitter @PendleSupport for updates!

If you would like to find out more about how Astor-Bannerman can assist with your Changing Places toilet facility to increase accessibility and revenue, visit our contact page to enquire today, call 01242 820820 or email


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